With today's frequently changing postal rules and regulations, allowing us to handle your mailing needs will minimize postal and project costs.
Let Panaprint handle your print project from start to finish! Save time and money and take advantage of Panaprint’s in-house mailing. To better serve you, Panaprint combines printing and mailing services under one roof. |
With today’s frequently changing postal rules and regulations, allowing us to handle your mailing needs will minimize postal and project costs. Our mailing technicians, along with our customer service professionals, are always available to give you expert assistance. Sending us your mailing list is quick and easy. We offer several options for supplying your mailing list; the most common is by e-mail. All of your mailing services are conducted in-house, saving you both time and additional expense. Using our P.A.V.E. software, we can evaluate your mailing list data, apply Zip+4 coding, merge, purge and eliminate duplicates, CASS certify, and barcode before addressing your printed products. |
Panaprint delivers your mailing directly to the US Post Office in Macon, GA. We can also arrange for in-house postal verification and drop shipment to other post offices. Ask your customer service representative if this would be beneficial to you. If you wish to conduct more than one mailing of your product over time, Panaprint also offers fulfillment services.
Please ask your customer service representative for more information about our mailing services. |
Panaprint provides a downloadable file containing our mailing list guidelines and a checklist for data files. Please ensure you review this document to confirm that you’ve followed all the necessary processes correctly.